What we think about ourselves while seeing ourselves in a mirror or photo dictates how we feel about ourselves that day. Learn to accept and appreciate yourself for a happy life.

One obvious mistake we make when we observe ourselves in the mirror is to get entrapped in the web of critical thoughts about self. This is a natural tendency of a critical mind. Our mind is drawn towards becoming critical of, assessing and evaluating whatever we see, even if it’s our own reflection.
How you look at yourself ultimately dictates how you feel about yourself that day. Instead of putting pressure on yourself to appear perfect, you need to clear your mind from critical judgement since it perpetuates self-hate and negativity. You need to see yourself with a kind of familiarity and you will begin to feel confident in your skin.
Things You Need To Do to Create A Positive Self Image
It will be extremely difficult for you to achieve your goals and live a content life with a negative self-image. Improving the way you look at yourself and building your self-esteem is a muscle that can be developed with practice. Below are the 6 things that you should start to follow to change the ways of seeing things and like the person you see in the mirror.
1. Change Your Physical Appearance to Feel Confident About the Way You Look
One of the first things you notice when you look at yourself in the mirror is your physical appearance. Happiness is an inside job and you should feel motivated and confident about the self-image that you now have. You could improve your physical appearance by upgrading your wardrobe or a distinct haircut to appear happier, stronger and healthy.
A pleasant and impactful appearance is one of the most powerful ways to build self-confidence.
2. Forgive Yourself for the Mistakes Made in the Past
We often connect an image with old memories and most of the time these memories are related either to mistakes or mishappenings that happened in the past. When it comes to your own reflection, you need to change the ways of seeing things in such a way. You need to let forgo the mistakes that you have made. Dwelling on them only gets you deeper into a negative spiral. Learn to use the Power of Positive Thinking every time and take whatever lessons you can from the mistakes and use those insights to become a better person.
3. Appreciate You and Give Yourself Credit
Do not ponder much on the things that have gone wrong and the mistakes you have made. Instead of punishing yourself with such thoughts, learn to reward yourself when you do something well. It is crucial for strengthening your self-image to give yourself credit for your achievements.
4. Avoid the Comparisons
Ditch comparing yourself to other people all the time. It is very tough to build a sense of appreciation for the person you see in the mirror if you are always trying to be like someone else. Determine the best attributes you have and focus on utilising them with efficiency. Also, find the habits that you are not so good at and rectify them.
5. Find out What Exactly is Bothering You
Whenever you find yourself overwhelmed with negative thoughts about your self-image, determine the exact reasons that triggered the onset of negative thinking. Take a moment to understand the reasons for those negative thoughts and change the ways of seeing things. Recognizing them will help you to address the root cause of your distress.
6. Practice Gratitude and Self-compassion
Gratitude can be a powerful tool to redefine your perspective and self-image. Make a list of the things about yourself that you are thankful for. It's critical to be kind to yourself by practising positive self-talk and self-care. In order to pursue your passions, you need to be healthy physically and mentally, and loving the person you see in the mirror is key to attaining that state.
Still Finding it Difficult to Like the Person You See in the Mirror?
If you are suffering from low self-esteem, self-confidence or finding it difficult to like yourself, take expert help and guidance from a life coach to make your life better.
Not sure whether you can benefit from a life coach or not? Take the free quiz to find out the answer.
Smita D Jain is a Certified Life Coach, Executive Coach and NLP Practitioner. Smita’s ‘Empower Yourself’ Personal Clarity Coaching Programs enable busy professionals unhappy in their jobs to tap into their passions and transform them into professions so that they work because they want to, not because they have to.
Prior to her journey as a coach, Smita had extensive experience of 14 years as a corporate and business strategy professional with Fortune 500 companies. She is also a TEDx speaker, a speaker at various public forums, a published writer, and an Amazon bestselling author.
You can learn more about Personal Empowerment Life Coach and Executive Coach Smita D Jain’s ‘Empower Yourself’ Coaching Programs by visiting www.lifecoachsmitadjain.com and
book a strategy session at https://www.lifecoachsmitadjain.com/booking.
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