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13 Powerful Ways to Build Confidence and Speak Up At Work

Hema stood at the back of the conference room, her heart racing. As a junior manager, she knew she had valuable insights to share about the new project. But every time she thought about raising her hand, doubt crept in. What if her idea sounded silly? What if the senior executives dismissed her?

Executive Coach Smita D Jain writes about techniques to develop leadership communication skills

As the meeting progressed, Hema remained silent, her confidence shrinking with each passing minute. Later, she overheard her colleague mention the same idea she had - to great acclaim from the leadership team. Hema realised then that her lack of confidence had cost her a chance to shine.

Hema's experience is common. Many of us struggle to speak up, even when we have something important to say. We let self-doubt hold us back, missing opportunities to share our ideas and make an impact. But other options exist too. With the right mindset and practise, anyone can build confidence and learn to speak up in any situation.

As an executive coach who work closely with clients to help them build their confidence, I have shared practical strategies to help you build confidence and find your voice. Whether you're in a boardroom, a social gathering, or a one-on-one conversation, these tips will empower you to express yourself with assurance. Let's dive in and discover how you can transform your communication style and boost your self-confidence.

13 Practical Steps to Transform Your Communication and Boost your Self-confidence:

1.Understand the Root of Your Hesitation

Before we can build confidence, we need to understand what holds us back. Common reasons people hesitate to speak up include:

1. Fear of judgement

2. Imposter syndrome

3. Past negative experiences

4. Lack of preparation

5. Cultural or social norms

Take a moment to think about which of these factors might be affecting you. Identifying the source of your hesitation is the first step towards overcoming it.

2. Start Small and Build Momentum

Building confidence is like building a muscle - it takes consistent effort and practise. Start with small, low-stakes situations to build your confidence gradually:

- Share your opinion in a casual conversation with friends

- Ask a question during a team meeting

- Offer a suggestion in a small group discussion

Each time you speak up, you'll gain a bit more confidence. Celebrate these small wins and use them as stepping stones to tackle bigger challenges.

3. Prepare and Practise

Preparation is key to feeling confident when speaking up. Before important meetings or presentations:

- Research the topic thoroughly

- Anticipate potential questions or objections

- Practise your key points out loud

Practice makes talking easier

4. Use Positive Self-Talk

Talking to yourself nicely helps you feel more sure. Try to say good things to yourself instead of bad things:

Don't say: "I don't know enough to talk about this."

Try saying: "I have some ideas to share."

Don't say: "Everyone will think my idea is stupid."

Try saying: "My perspective is unique and worth considering."

Repeat these positive statements to yourself regularly. Over time, they'll help reshape your mindset and boost your confidence.

5. Focus on Adding Value

When you're hesitant to speak up, shift your focus from yourself to the value you can provide. Ask yourself:

- How can my input help solve this problem?

- What unique perspective can I offer?

- How might my idea benefit the team or project?

By concentrating on the potential positive impact of your contribution, you'll feel more motivated to share your thoughts.

6. Adopt the Power of Body Language

Your body language can both reflect and influence your confidence levels. To project and build confidence:

- Stand or sit up straight

- Make eye contact

- Use open gestures

- Speak clearly and at a measured pace

- Take up space (avoid crossing your arms or legs)

Even if you don't feel confident at first, adopting confident body language can help you feel more self-assured over time.

7. Learn to Manage Nervousness

It's normal to feel nervous when speaking up, especially in high-pressure situations. Don't try to stop feeling nervous. Learn to handle it instead.

- Take deep breaths to calm your nerves

- Reframe nervousness as excitement

- Focus on your message, not on yourself

- Remember that everyone feels nervous sometimes

With practise, you'll learn to perform well even when you're feeling nervous.

8. Seek Out Speaking Opportunities

To build your confidence, actively look for chances to speak up:

- Volunteer to present at team meetings

- Join a public speaking club like Toastmasters

- Offer to lead a training session at work

- Participate in panel discussions or Q&A sessions

The more you put yourself in speaking situations, the more comfortable and confident you'll become.

9. Develop Your Expertise

Confidence often comes from knowing your subject matter well. To build your expertise:

- Stay up-to-date with industry trends and news

- Attend workshops and conferences

- Read widely in your field

The more knowledgeable you become, the more confident you'll feel in sharing your ideas.

10. Learn from Feedback and Mistakes

Feedback and mistakes are valuable tools for growth. When you receive feedback:

- Listen with an open mind

- Thank the person for their input

If you make a mistake when speaking up, don't dwell on it. Instead:

- Acknowledge the error if necessary

- Learn from the experience

- Move forward with newfound knowledge

Even good speakers mess up sometimes. The important thing is how you deal with it.

11. Create a Support Network

Always try to be around people who encourage and support you:

- Find a mentor who can offer guidance and feedback

- Join professional networks or groups in your industry

Having a strong support system can boost your confidence and provide valuable opportunities to practise speaking up.

12. Visualise Success

Visualisation is a powerful tool for building confidence. Before important speaking opportunities:

- Close your eyes and imagine yourself speaking confidently

- Picture positive reactions from your audience

- Visualise feeling calm and in control

Regular visualisation can help you feel more prepared and confident when it's time to speak up for real.

13. Celebrate Your Progress

Building confidence is a journey. Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your progress:

- Keep a journal of your speaking experiences

- Reflect on how far you've come

- Reward yourself for taking risks and speaking up

By recognising your growth, you'll motivate yourself to continue pushing outside your comfort zone.

The Last Word: Your Journey to Confident Communication Starts Now

Building confidence and learning to speak up in every situation is a skill that anyone can develop with practise and persistence. By understanding your hesitations, starting small, preparing thoroughly, and using positive self-talk, you can gradually build your confidence. Remember to focus on the value you bring, use confident body language, and actively seek out speaking opportunities.

Remember Hema from our opening story? By applying these strategies, she could transform her experience. Imagine her at the next meeting, prepared and confident, raising her hand to share her insights. With her newfound confidence, Hema not only contributes valuable ideas but also inspires her colleagues to speak up more often.

You too can make this transformation. Start today, take small steps, and watch your confidence grow. Before you know it, you'll be speaking up with assurance in every situation, making your voice heard and your ideas count.

Your journey to building confidence starts now - what will your first step be?

Do you communicate smartly or need help to enhance your communication skills? Take the Free Communication Skills Assessment to take the first step to speak with confidence.

Smita D Jain is a Certified Life Coach, Executive Coach and NLP Practitioner. Smita’s ‘Empower Yourself’ Performance Enhancement Coaching Programs enable introverted executives to speak with confidence and communicate with impact so that they emerge leaders sooner than envisaged.

Prior to her journey as a coach, Smita had extensive experience of 14 years as a corporate and business strategy professional with Fortune 500 companies. She is also a TEDx speaker, a panellist cum speaker at various public forums, a published writer, and an Amazon bestselling author.

You can learn more about Personal Empowerment Life Coach and Executive Coach Smita D Jain’s ‘Empower Yourself’ Coaching Programs by visiting and book a strategy session at

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